As the new year draws closer many of us will be making new year’s resolutions and plans for a healthier 2020. We all know the importance of a healthy lifestyle, but many forget the benefits of a happy and healthy smile.
The importance of maintaining good oral health
Our teeth are extremely important in our day to day life. Having good oral health gives us confidence to achieve and feel good in our own skin, as well as keeping our mouths and body healthy. Maintaining good oral health should be a priority all year round. It seems obvious, however, brushing your teeth twice a day, keeping your sugar intake to a minimum and regularly visiting your dentist is essential to keeping your teeth healthy long-term.
Risk of gum disease
Gum disease is a common condition where a patient’s gums become infected causing them to become extremely sore, uncomfortable and swollen. When you have gum disease you may experience symptoms such as bleeding gums when brushing and bad breath. If gum
disease is not treated, eventually your teeth will loosen and may fall out. Looking after your teeth and gums can also reduce your risk of certain cancers and forms of dementia.
Let your smile help you to achieve with confidence
When you look good, you feel good! Feeling confident in your appearance helps you to achieve, forge a successful career, socialise and form strong relationships with others. If you suffer from tooth discolouration and staining or perhaps even tooth loss, you may feel self-conscious and want to hide away from social situations.
At Bosham Dental, our expert team are passionate about preventing tooth damage as well as restoring smiles. Whether you require cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, veneers, fillings, crowns or root canals; we can recommend the best dental treatment for you!
Start your new year off with a happy and healthy smile by contacting us today!
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